Saza coffee Ibaraki University library cafe
Bunkyo 2-1-1, Ibaraki University library cafe 1st floor Saza coffee, Mito-shi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
Registration is closed
Let's talk about Open data in a casual style at the library cafe of Ibaraki University.
Open data -- The idea that certain data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control. Especially in government-owned data, the rationale behind open government data can be considered as twofold. First, advocates contend that making government data available to the public in open formats increases government transparency and accountability. Second, open data should enable third parties to leverage the potential of government data through the development of applications and services that address public and private demands.
We plan to hold open data cafe monthly basis. The cafe is located on the 1st floor of the main library for University Ibaraki. On the evening of the 1st Saturday, why don't you talk over open data in a casual mood?
Anything related to the open data.
We will provide you about the handy tools and latest news for open data.
Of course, we are happy to hear your stories or questions.
You can check the atmosphere from this blog (Sorry in Japanese)
The previous event's themes
This time we want to check "Regional economic analysis system " (pronounced lee-sus) made by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency and Cabinet Secretariat of the Japanese government.
"A review of municipalities' economic development plans implemented in the past reveals that what have been the most seriously lacking among the local authorities are objective data-based evaluation indicators and the knowledge and experience required to interpret them. Evaluation indicators share a similar aspect with key performance indicators (KPIs) which local municipalities are required to include in their comprehensive strategic plans. Both indicators are aimed at providing a quantitative picture of the impact of policy measures on the local economy. For that, local-level input-output tables are necessary, but to create such tables needs enough time, costs, and know-how. In order to help local municipalities with their quantitative policy evaluation, the central government has developed and made available some analytical tools, including the Regional Economy and Society Analyzing System (RESAS), for municipal governments to utilize." by Ryohei Nakamura, Regional Perspectives on Economic Revitalization: Promoting industries with earning power
And we will also talk about the news related to open data happened in August.
None, anyone who is interested in the open data can attend.
Nothing you need to bring
25-minute bus ride from Mito Station. North exit of the Mito station, you can ride the bus for Ibaraki University at the bus terminal no.7. The head sign 「茨大行 (栄町経由) 」 or 「茨大前」 will bring you to the venue.
Non-profit organization for supporting development and maintenance of new kind of public services with technology and creating ideas to address local issues through a community of local citizens. H...
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